About Me

About Paul Milakeve
About Paul Milakeve

I am an ordinary guy who has lived an extraordinary life. I went to high school with a billionaire, hung out backstage with super stars, owned several businesses, worked at every kind of company imaginable, delivered speeches to crowds of people, been interviewed by news agencies, married my soul mate, and raised two children. I am currently working at a technology company and sharing my thoughts, lessons and resources for those looking to join me on a life journey of learning and trying.

My Current Projects

I have a YouTube channel where I discuss tools, resources, and ideas on how to improve your life and business in the digital economy. Make sure you subscribe to get the latest videos as they are released.
I publish a monthly newsletter that provides all the latest updates on my life journey, provides key insights from my reading and learning, and delivers random thoughts and ideas through a monthly diary. Subscribe here.

I am working on my first book to be published later this year. Stay up to date on my progress by subscribing to my weekly newsletter. You can subscribe here.
I am studying the fields of Data Science and Blockchain Technology . You can follow my progress by subscribing to my newsletter. You can subscribe here.