About Me

Hey there! I'm Paul Milakeve, and I'm all about personal development and self-discovery. I've had an extraordinary life, rubbing shoulders with billionaires, superstars, and everything in between. From trading stocks in NYC, running a record label to working with AI at Microsoft and even leading a church, I've worn many hats.
But here's the thing—I'm just an ordinary guy who's been fortunate enough to learn and grow along the way. Now, I want to share my journey, insights, and resources with you. Together, we'll embark on a life journey of learning and trying, one that's filled with endless possibilities.
Whether you're looking for career guidance, personal growth, or a fresh dose of inspiration, I've got your back. Through engaging articles, thought-provoking videos, or through my consulting company, The LaFoi Group, my goal is to empower you to unlock your full potential and live a purposeful, fulfilling life.
So, buckle up and join me on this adventure. Let's explore personal development and conquer life's challenges. Together, we'll make the most out of every opportunity and create a life worth living.
Thanks for being here.

My Current Projects
I have a YouTube channel where I discuss tools, resources, and ideas on how to improve your life and business in the digital economy. Make sure you subscribe to get the latest videos as they are released.
I publish a newsletter that provides all the latest updates on my life journey, provides key insights from my reading and learning, and delivers random thoughts and ideas through a monthly diary. Subscribe here.
I am working on my first book to be published later this year outlining my six part framework on how to have an extraordinary life. Stay up to date on my progress by subscribing to my newsletter. You can subscribe here.
I run a consulting company called the LaFoi Group that helps solopreneurs and small business owners improve their life and business with the use of digital technology.